Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine: Wo sind sie alle hin?/ Die Zeit / January 2023
“Refugees from Ukraine: where have they all gone?”
Stories of two Ukrainian women, who, once arrived in Berlin, are choosing different life paths. I
photographed Valeriia, 28, in Kraków, Poland, on Jan 08, 2022. Valeriia
decided to leave Berlin for Kraków because of cultural proximity as
well as less troublesome refugee and immigration policy.
“Recently published survey by the Institute for Labor Market and
Occupational research (IAB) and other institutions shows that in autumn
only 17 Percentage of refugees from Ukraine who are of working age and
have a found a job. At the same time, according to the unanimous
perception in job centers and at professional associations, the majority
want to work. Something doesn’t add up.”
Story by Fabian Franke